Odkaz Anotace
NOVÉ: Materiály a literární zdroje o preanalytické fázi 

NOVÉ: Stránky australského programu EHK, zahrnující i kontrolní programy pre a post analytické fáze

Westgard QC Tools, Technology and Training for Healthcare Laboratories
Oakdale Engineering DataFit Curve Fitting and Data Plotting Software by Oakdale Engineering
GraphPad Software Analyze, Graph and Organize Your Data
StatPages Web Pages that Perform Statistical Calculations
Marquis-soft.com Clinical Laboratory Software, Clinical Data Management, Quality Control Software, ?
StatCalc 2.0 PC calculator computing table values of 34 statistical distributions. Available for download.
MedCalc Easy-to-use statistical software.
Eurachem Network of organizations in Europe having the objective of establishing a system for the international traceability of chemical measurements and the promotion of good quality practices.
ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) is an international cooperation of laboratory and inspection accreditation bodies.
VAM Valid Analytical Measurement (VAM) – your gateway to reliable results.
AACC American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) is an international scientific/medical society of clinical laboratory professionals, physicians, research scientists and other individuals involved with clinical chemistry and related disciplines.
BIPM The task of the BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures) is to ensure world-wide uniformity of measurements and their traceability to the International System of Units (SI).
IMEP Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) provides a metrological interlaboratory comparison scheme to enable the benchmarking of laboratory performance. The International Measurement Evaluation Programme (IMEP) aims to build up confidence where trade or border crossing problems exist.
NCCLS Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI, formerly NCCLS) is a global, nonprofit, standards-developing organization that promotes the development and use of voluntary consensus standards and guidelines within the healthcare community. We are recognized worldwide for the application of our unique consensus process.
AOAC AOAC International is a 120 year-old not-for-profit scientific association committed to worldwide confidence in analytical results.
EFLM Biological Variation Database NOVÉ: EFLM Biological Variation Database